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1 | 世界調査から見た長寿の栄養因子 Trace Nutrients Research 15:1-2(1998) |
家森幸男 |
京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科 |
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2 | Studies of bio-trace elements using the multitracer Trace Nutrients Research 15:3-10(1998) |
Fumitoshi Ambe |
理化学研究所 |
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3 | Extended All Present Theory of the Elements and Biological Trace Elements Trace Nutrients Research 15:11-22(1998) |
Hiroki Haraguchi, Kazumi Inagaki, Akiko Hokura and Hirotaka Matsuura |
Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University |
11- |
4 | Study of antioxydative activity and estrogenic function of some plants extracts Trace Nutrients Research 15:23-32(1998) |
Tomoko Iguchi(1), Masayuki Kasahara(2), Shoji Masiko(3), Kenichi Nakatsugawa(1), Shuichi Kimura(1) |
(1) Showa Women's University 4(2)The Yamagata Prefectural Institute of Public Health
(3)Utsunomiya University |
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5 | Participation of functional mineral-encaged zeolite treated water species in restoration of cell motility of organotin-intoxicated Euglena gracilis Z Trace Nutrients Research 15:33-40(1998) |
Mari Ohta(1), Kaoru Nakamura(2), Yasuo Kurihara(3), Kozo Takama(1) and Tetsuya Suzuki(1) |
(1)Laboratory of Food Wholesomeness, Department of Marine Biosources Chemistry, Faculty of Fisheries Hokkaido University
(2)Institute of Chemical Research, Kyoto University
(3)Central Laboratory, Sinanen Zeomic Corp., Ltd. |
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Oxidative Stress on Liver Tissue: Damage in Liver Chromatin by Oxygen Free Radicals Generated from Reaction of Hydrogen Peroxide with Copper or Iron Ions Trace Nutrients Research 15:41-46(1998) |
Riichi Tawa and Hiromu Sakurai |
Department of Analytical and bioinorganic Chemistry, Kyoto Pharmaceutical University |
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Effect of zinc and vanadium on 3T3-L1 adipocyte differentiation Trace Nutrients Research 15:47-52(1998) |
Eiji Takahashi, Shin-ichiro Torii, Tohru Matsui and Hideo Yano |
Laboratory of Animal Nutrition, Graduated School of Agriculture, Kyoto University |
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Studies on Anti-cancer Substances in Food Stuffs by Using Transformed Cells Bearing the Oncogene-Oncosuppressor System. Trace Nutrients Research 15:53-58(1998) |
Yukio Kawamura, Masaru Ishikawa, Manabu Muramoto, Kazumi Kitta and Mariko Manabe |
Protein Science Laboratory, National Food Research Institute |
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Biodistribution of sialoglycoconjugates and their transference into the brain Trace Nutrients Research 15:59-64(1998) |
Mieko Kawamura(1), Tatsuo Ido(2), Noritaka Matsubara(3), Yoshihiro Ikeuchi(3) and Shuichi Yanahira(3) |
(1)Faculty of Agriculture, Tohoku University
(2)Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center, Tohoku University
(3)Snow Brand Milk Products Co., Ltd. |
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Effect of zinc deficiency on the expression of endothelin-1 in glomeruli of rats with unilateral ureteral obstruction Trace Nutrients Research 15:65-68(1998) |
Hiroyuki Yanagisawa, Makoto Nodera, and Osamu Wada |
Department of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Saitama Medical School |
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一酸化窒素(NO)による胃粘膜上皮細胞障害に対するCassostera gigas extract (JCOE) の保護作用と細胞内グルタチオンの役割 Trace Nutrients Research 15:69-72(1998) |
増井康治, 吉川敏一, 内藤裕二, 朴義男, 藤井貴章, 吉田憲正, 近藤元治 |
京都府立医大第一内科 |
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Effects of Oyster Extract on Teratogenicity and Embryonic Development in Zinc-Deficient Mice Trace Nutrients Research 15:73-80(1998) |
Toshiaki Watanabe(1), Yoshikazu Matsuda(2), Takao Ohta(2) and Yukio Shibata(2) |
(1)Department of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, Yamagata University School of Medicine (2)Central Research Institute, Japan Clinic, Co., Ltd. |
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満腹物質レプチンの摂食抑制および学習・記憶促進作用の中枢機序 Trace Nutrients Research 15:81-88(1998) |
大村 裕(1), 堀 信顯(2), 白石武昌(3), 佐々木和男(4), 新島 旭(5), 武田弘志(6), 辻 稔(6), 松島輝彦(6) |
(1)日本臓器製薬・生物活性科学研究所 (2)九州大学歯学部薬理 (3)東海大学医学部生理 (4)富山大学工学部生体情報 (5)新潟大学医学部生理 (6)東京医大薬 |
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Biodynamics of radiactive trace elements in Se-deficient rats: application of the multitracer technique Trace Nutrients Research 15:89-94(1998) |
Rieko Hirunurma, Shuichi Enomoto, Shizuko Ambe, and Fumitoshi Ambe |
The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN) |
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Variation of Trace Element Contents in Black Tea Infusion Trace Nutrients Research 15:95-100(1998) |
Tatsuhiko Ando(1), Hiroshi Tachi(1), Munehiro Yoshida(2) |
(1) Department of Brewing and Fermentation, Junior College of Tokyo University of Agriculture (2)Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Engineering, Kansai University |
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Effects of Metal and Fatty Acids on Oxidative Degradation of Cholesterol Trace Nutrients Research 15:101-106(1998) |
Kimiko Ohtani, Ayumi Kataoka and Takahisa Minamibe |
Faculty of Human Environmental Science, Kyoto Prefectural University |
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Application of Copper catalyzed Oxidative Inactivation of AMP Deaminase to Analysis of Antioxidant Action of Polyphenolic Compounds Trace Nutrients Research 15:107-114(1998) |
Keiko Murakami, Toshitaka Mori, Mayuko Nagata, Masae Itoh and Masataka Yoshino |
Department of Biochemistry, Aichi Medical University |
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On the Kynureninase -Medico-historical aspect of tryptophan metabolism with emphasis on the action of taurin and Zn2+ to diabetic rats- Trace Nutrients Research 15:115-120(1998) |
Yukio Shibata(1), Fumio Takeuchi(1), Yoshikazu Matsuda(2), Eiko Takaya(2), Masako Yamaguchi(2), Takao Ohta(3), Masahiro Nakatsuka(3), and Kiyoko Kawabata(3) |
(1)Aichi Medical University (2)Japan Clinic Co., Ltd. (3)Japan Food Research and Development Institute Co., Ltd. |
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The Effects of Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) Extract ob Cell Proliferation and Antitumor Activity Trace Nutrients Research 15:121-128(1998) |
Yoshikazu Matsuda(1), Eiko Takaya(1), Masako Yamaguchi(1), Takao Ohta(1), Mariko Manabe(2), Yukio Kawamura(2), Shingo Hiroishi(3) and Yukio Shibata(1) |
(1) Japan Clinic Co., Ltd., Central Research Institute (2)National Food Research Institute (3)Fukui Prefectural University |
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Effect of oyster extracts on exercise -Glucide and lipid metabolism- Trace Nutrients Research 15:129-136(1998) |
Eiko Takaya(1), Yoshikazu Matsuda(1), Masako Yamaguchi(1), Takao Ohta(1), Yuko Harada(2), Mika Tanaka(2), Teruko Nakasa(2), Yasushi Okinaka(2) and Yukio Shibata(1) |
(1)Japan Clinic Co., Ltd., Central Research Institute (2)Nutritional Biochemistry, Doshisha Women's College |
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Accelerated apoptosis in the zinc-defidient rat Trace Nutrients Research 15:137-140(1998) |
Makoto Nodera, Hiroyuki Yanagisawa and Osamu Wada |
Department of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Saitama Medical School |
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Comparison of Copper-metallotionein in the livers of LEC rats and human hepatoma Trace Nutrients Research 15:141-146(1998) |
Akihiro Nakayama(1), Hiroyuki Fukuda(2), Masaaki Ebara(2), Kenji Suzuki(3), Katsuyuki Nakajima(4) and Hiromu Sakurai |
(1)Dep. of Analytical and Bioinorganic Chemistry, Kyoto Pharmaceutical Univ. (2)First Dep. of Medicine, School of Medicine, Chiba Univ. (3)Dep. of Pathology, College of Medical Care and Technology, Gumma Univ. (4)Otsuka Pharm. Co. |
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Pharmacokinetic analysis of insulin-mimetics vanadium complexes in rats -metallokinetic analysis by BCM-ESR method- Trace Nutrients Research 15:147-154(1998) |
Hiroyuki Yasui, Tae Fujisawa, Riichi Tawa and Hiromu Sakurai |
Department of Analytical and Bioinorganic Chemistry, Kyoto Pharmaceutical University |
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Study for in vitro Cytotoxicity of Arsenocholine, an Organic Arsenic Compound in seafood Trace Nutrients Research 15:155-160(1998) |
Teruaki Sakurai, Toshikazu Kaise and Chiyo Matsubara |
Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry, School of Life Science, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Live Science |
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Vitamin E status of prepartum and postpartum dairy cows and newborn calves Trace Nutrients Research 15:161-166(1998) |
Hajime Kumagai and Yot Chaipan |
Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Hiroshima University |
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The Role of Trace Elements in Kampo Medicines for the Treatment of Anemic Women During Pregnancy Trace Nutrients Research 15:167-172(1998) |
Minoru Tanaka(1), Mieko Kimura(2), Yoshinori Itokawa(2) |
(1)Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kyoto National Hospital (2)Department of Environmental Health, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine |
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Anemia and food intake in female professional volleyball players Trace Nutrients Research 15:173-176(1998) |
Kenji Fukunaga(1), Toshiko Ono(1), Takashi Kimura(2) and Munehiro Yoshida(3) |
(1)Department of Public Health Kansai Medical University (2)Awazu Clinic (3)Laboratory of Food and Nutritional Sciences, Department Biotechnology, Faculty of Engineering, Kansai University |
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Fluorometric Determination of Low Molecular Thiol (SH) and Disulfide (SS) Groups in Some Seafood Trace Nutrients Research 15:177-182(1998) |
Eiko Hatakeyama, Tsuyoshi Hazu and Hiroshi Meguro |
Laboratory of Food Hygiene, Tohoku Fukushi University |
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